Тот случай, когда гениальность песни зашкаливает и для понимания лирики нужен целый пояснительный трактат🤷‍♀️ "Название песни Fils de joie буквально переводится как «сын радости», но на самом деле в нём смешались два выражения: оскорбление fils de pute («шлюхин сын») и нейтрально-положительное fille de joie («ночная бабочка»)." "For those confused about the lyrics and the POV's. The first verse is the client, the second one is the pimp, and the third one the police officer. Basically, all of them exploit her but they all justify it in different ways. The clients hides behind his loneliness, and how hard affection depriveness makes it okay to "look for a little tenderness from time to time". The irony here is when right after he says that he likes to insult (no tenderness) her and that he's probably his best client (because he goes to her so often). The Pimp hides behind his role of protector. He despises being hated by everyone when he's the one giving prostitute money and security. Again, the irony shows up a few lines later when he says it's okay to rip them off of their money (profit's percentage shares being very inequal), and his security suddenly turns into a trap. The Police Officer hides behind the law. He first seem understanding. "Just like you (the prostitute) are doing your job, I'm just doing mine (patroling)." Just like the others you see him finally showing his True sentiment toward her when he insults her and her dignity, while adding that she should find a real job. I was also quite confused on the first time I read the lyrics, although I speak French. And that's because there are a lot of lines that could also be pronounced by the prostitute (the first time line, the feeding line, the job line, etc..) which is completely intentional. This whole text is laced with uncomfortable parallels and ironies, serving one clear message: why is it only the prostitute that's being the first one blamed when all fours play a role in this system. Stromae takes the role of a prostitute's son in the MV and chorus and gives her the best and most impressive funeral, turning the tables on how deserving she is and should be respected for serving the country and their men. Sorry for the grammar and faults, English isn't my first language. Hope it helped."

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